slow site, render method takes forever
I have a strange problem with a website I'm developing in (C#).
Basically when uploaded to the server, the render method suddenly takes 15 sec. to execute, but not on all the pages. I'm not overloading the method, so it's pure standard rendering and i've never experienced something like this before.
Do you have any idea about what it could be?
Open Aug 09, 2008 - 09:38 AM
Websites, .net, C#, web development
Sep 25, 2008 - 07:25 PM
dust...long time no see, buddy! Hope life's been treating you well.
Are you still having problems with this issue? I'd love to see if I could lend a hand, but I'd need to see the code.
Let me know if you're still needing some help.
Take care,
Sep 26, 2008 - 11:36 AM
Thanks, Ric, I'm doing good :)
How about you?
I found out what the issue was but forgot to post it and also forgot what it was now, hehe. I think it was a dynamic translation of the pages that was doing too many dips into the database instead of storing the data in memory on application level.
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