i'm looking to set the website to 'stick' to the underside of the browser. i am using dreamweaver.
i need my websites to fill the whole browser essentially but more specifically i need each page to go right to the top of the browser. there seems to be a little gap at the top!
Open Sep 25, 2008 - 04:26 AM
Websites, browsers, html
Sep 25, 2008 - 05:05 AM
You need to put a margin setting in the body tag at the top of your HTML...
That should do it for you. There should be a tab in Dreamweaver that lets you view the HTML. The body tag should be on the top, and just add that attribute into the tag. Keep all the other attributes as well.
Sep 25, 2008 - 05:06 AM
this is the attribute you need to put in the body tag:
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