new laptop crash on flv video
hi, i have a new laptop but when i watch flv my laptop crashes sometimes, this is tottaly random
it was like this with all the installed programs on it
i uninstaled some, reinstalled flashplayer
still crashes
removed all the freeware and security programs, boots faster, still crashes
what should i do?
tomorrow ill go to the hlp desk of my school, gonna ask there
it might be a hardware problem, bu i have never had a crash in safe mode
my laptop is a elitebook 8740w
Open Sep 20, 2010 - 04:52 AM
Laptop, hardware, security, video, watch, flv
Mar 09, 2011 - 09:46 PM
Check the system for any virus .use VLC player for playing flv files
May 12, 2011 - 08:46 AM
yea, like hell i would vlc player, i wont downlaod every flash video i see on the internet, how stupit are you
and its a new pc, so theres no virus on it
i found the solution alrdy 7 months ago
right click on vid, go to setting, and untick hardware acceleration
seems ati drivers are fucked up, and they wont update them
shouldv bought a laptop with nvidea
could you bump even more next time?
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