Convert an external HDD into an internal hard drive.
I purchased a Philips 250 GIG external hard drive to use on an XP 32bit computer a few years ago. The drive came with Nero Backitup software. I rarely use this machine and to use the hard drive on a Vista 64 bit system would mean purchasing up to date software from Nero which would cost me £39.99. I do not wish to spend this kind of money as it could be utilised elsewhere. I am not familiar with the internal workings of computers, apart from installing a second disc drive. Is it possible to do this and if so how easy or difficult would it be to remove the drive from it,s casing and use it internally. I look forward to any response from any one.The reason I am asking is down to the cost.I am a pensioner with limited income, and would appreciate any input but please keep it simple. Thanks, Andy.
Open Nov 16, 2010 - 05:53 AM
computer, vista, System, Software, computers, hardware
Nov 25, 2010 - 07:24 AM
Thank you Nicholas, I stripped the drive from the enclosure and installed it as a bare internal drive. The system accepted it and it is up and running. Thanks again for responding.
Dec 27, 2010 - 05:56 PM
Actually, recently I've found another way to speed up my poor PC, the software "tuneup360". It’s very easy to handle and of course very powerful, my friends and I all use it now, maybe you can have a try.
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