I have this new desktop, gateway dx 6 gb ram 580 gb hardrive and 256 ati radeon and it lags WHY
ive been using it for about 3 months, jsut bought it its brand new. all i do is gaming and pretty much lately its been lagging and the comp humms for some reason when i start it up
when i first bought it, everything was fine
but then when i go on this game called Rakion by softnyx about 2 days ago (it was fine until now) when i was playing everything turned dark until i had to unplug my desktop and replugged it in
can anyone tell me whats going on?
or maybe something burned out
i play about 2-4 hours a day and 4-8 hours on weekends
not at same time though
Open Nov 13, 2008 - 07:06 PM
computer, Gaming, Lagging
Apr 16, 2009 - 06:17 AM
Hi, well the humming sounds like a wire simply touching the fan as it spins or that the fan isn't screwed in correctly to the case. And the lag maybe because you don't defrag i would recommend using Ccleaner followed by Auslogics Disk Defrager both of these programs are completely free. I use both these programs at least once a week you really feel the difference after :) only takes about 20 minutes max.
:) Enjoy
May 08, 2009 - 08:11 AM
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The Quomon Team
Dec 28, 2010 - 08:47 PM
There is an easy way to handle your problem; maybe you can try the software "tuneup360". My friends and I all use it, which can help you fix all the problems you may encounter.
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