Reformat acer 4920G
Im having some kinda malware or virus in my laptop. Everytime i try to open some programs an error will prompt and asks me to terminate the application. The code is (0xc000007b). I cant even open my Acer eRecovery program. I have the recovery CD with me. Any way to reformat my laptop?
Open Mar 04, 2009 - 08:23 PM
Acer, reformat, malware
Mar 05, 2009 - 03:22 AM
have u not got any antivirus s/w on? if not then see if you can install it. A decent freebie one would be avast or avg.
Also install malware bytes for you antispyware. that is also free.
If u cant get on the net, try downloading files on a usb stick from another pc then trying that on your infected lappy.
Might be worth installing from safe mode, if possible to do so.
Does your recovery cd not work on bootup? ensure in your bios, you allow cdrom higher than disk in boot order.
Last resort is a reformat, but this may also be possible via safe mode.
Mar 27, 2009 - 06:50 AM
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Dec 28, 2010 - 08:43 PM
Recently I find functional software which can fix all these problems just with one click: tuneup360, maybe you guys could have a try.
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