Acer 9500 notebook screen freezes
Hi all,
I've bought an Acer 9500 17" notebook a month ago and while it's generally working well, I do have a problem with the graphic card it seems.
What happens is that once in a while (mostly when I'm using the mouse scroll, but not only that) the screen freezes with a lot of weird lines and then switches to black. Then sometimes it manages to regain normality, but mostly I can´t do anything and have to restart the computer by pressing the power button.
I've updated the graphic card driver (it's an ATI Mobility Radeon X700), but that didn't help.
When I turn off the graphic acceleration completely the problem goes away, but of course that's not ideal.
I'm running in 1440 x 900 solution.
Does anyone have any idea whether it's a driver or graphic card problem and whether there is any solution?
Open Jul 03, 2006 - 08:44 AM
acer 9500, ATI Radeon X700, Acer, hardware, acer aspire
Jul 04, 2006 - 02:32 PM
Has this problem been with you the entire time you've owned the laptop? Is returning it an option? There is a chance that there is a hardware problem, either with the graphics subsystem or with the memory (some laptops share the system memory with the graphics card). You say that you tried an updated driver... why not try the next-older driver or the one previous to that, and see if there is any improvement.
Jul 19, 2006 - 04:58 AM
thanks, dngrsone for your suggestions.
The problems seemed to have started a week or two after purchasing the laptop.
I could return it, but it takes soooo long to install everything and i also need it, so i'm a bit hesitant to do so.
I will try with older drivers to see if that helps.
Aug 30, 2006 - 01:59 PM
Finally back from vacations etc...
I've tried different drivers and with no luck.
I'm pretty sure it's a problem of overheating, since it was a lot worse when the weather was hotter and normally if it happens and I restart the computer, the problem still persists, while if I wait for 30 minutes it's gone again.
I've decided to deliver it for repair and went back to using my old laptop meanwhile. I hope it will be quick.
Thanks for the help dngrsone, here are your points.
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