How do you make a gradient effect with text in Adobe Illustrator?
Alright guys, graphics question for anyone who may know about it. I am using Adobe Illustrator and need to make some text that I wrote have a gradient mesh from top to bottom. Not really sure how to do this without creating outlines for the text and then going through each individual letter and using the gradient mesh tool. Any easier way?
Open Dec 06, 2006 - 05:41 AM
Graphics, Adobe, Illustrator, Graphic Design, Web Design
Dec 07, 2006 - 08:46 AM
From my experience, you're still going to have to convert the type to outlines...the gradient mesh tool doesn't work on much except for "path" objects. When you do the convert, it will have all the new objects this point, you can apply your gradient mesh to the entire group, rather than letter by letter. Bear in mind, however, that the centerpoint of the mesh will be the center of the group, not the center of each letter. In order to achieve that, you'll have to do it letter by letter.
Dec 08, 2006 - 06:32 AM
Thanks rcastagna, you're right. I just needed to convert to outlines and then click the gradient in the swatch. I used the gradient tool to change the direction of the gradient and then can use the gradient tool pallet box (not sure what that is called) to switch the colors. Huge.
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